☑️ Teaching Subtitling on the Cloud
☑️ Keylogging whole translation process
☑️ Machine Translation Post-editing for Media & Subtitles

Jorge Díaz Cintas is Professor of Translation and founder director (2013-2016) of the Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS) at University College London. He is the author of numerous articles, special issues and books on audiovisual translation. He is the Chief Editor of the Peter Lang series New Trends in Translation Studies and a member of the European Union expert group LIND (Language Industry). He is the recipient of the Jan Ivarsson Award (2014) and the Xènia Martínez Award (2015) for invaluable services to the field of audiovisual translation.
Jorge Díaz-Cintas
Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London
Teaching Subtitling on the Cloud
After a brief introduction to the practice of subtitling from a pedagogical perspective, this workshop embarks on a discussion of the affordances offered by cloud-based ecosystems, highlighting the main similarities and differences vis-à-vis traditional software programs. The workshop will give you an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the main functions of the OOONA Tools, a set of online professional tools that allow users to perform all the subtitling and captioning tasks that are typical in the industry, such as spotting, originating, reviewing and hardcoding. You will also gain an insight into how machine translation is being integrated into these environments and how the task of postediting subtitles can be exploited in the classroom. The changes in industry workflows, which are being instigated by the migration to the cloud, will also be discussed and some time will be left at the end for questions and answers.
Length: 2.5 hours
Date: Thursday, 7th July @ 9:00

Ricardo Muñoz has been a freelance translator since 1987, ATA certified for English-Spanish in 1991. He studied at the universities of Valencia and of Granada, both in Spain, and also at the University of Notthingham (UK), Ludwig-Maximilian Universität (Munich, Germany), and UC Santa Barbara. Prof Muñoz was awarded a PhD in Hispanic Linguistics from UC Berkeley in 1993. He taught at the Californian universities of UC Santa Barbara, UC Berkeley, and Cal State San Jose, and the Spanish universities of Vigo, Vic, Granada and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. As a visiting or invited scholar, he has lectured in universities of China, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland, UK, USA, and in a dozen of Spanish universities.Prof Muñoz is currently Professor in the Department of Interpreting & Translation of the University of Bologna, where he directs the Laboratory for Multilectal Mediated Communication & Cognition (MC2 Lab). His Lab focuses on the empirical research of multilectal mediated communication events from the perspective of Cognitive Translatology (situated cognition). Prof Muñoz is also a member of the TREC and HAL networks and co-editor of the journal Translation, Cognition & Behavior. For further info, see ORCID, h-index and lists of some publications y revisions.
Ricardo Muñoz
Professor in the Department of Interpreting & Translation of the University of Bologna, Director of the Laboratory for Multilectal Mediated Communication & Cognition (MC2 Lab)
Keylogging whole translation processes
In the last decade, keylogging was demoted from its role as possibly the main data collection tool in the empirical research of written communication to become merely a support to complement other data gathering tools, such as eye tracking. This may have been due to the technical limitations of the keyloggers of the time, the restricted views on analyzing their output, or simply the hype of other tools that overtime turned out to be less accurate (technical problems) and informative (doubts on the eye-mind hypothesis).
Now we have new keyloggers, such as Inputlog (Leijten & Van Waes 2013) that will record everything done on the keyboard and the mouse. With some adjustments, such new keyloggres may be used not only to study writing and translating processes, but also revisions, information search and managament, and other tasks and subtasks that also support oral forms of multilectal mediated communication (term search in interpreting, corrections in respeaking, etc). New ways to approach the study of their output may lead to groundbreaking findings about the behavior of people communicating, by distinguishing intentional from involuntary pauses, categorizing them according to their length, and chunking both TTs and STs in ways that might shed light on unchartered territories.
This hands-on workshop will focus on using a keylogging (using Inputlog) to study full logs of naturalistic tasks, and then cleaning data (illustrated with the Task Segment Framework, Muñoz & Apfelthaler, in preparation) as examples of their great potential of this excellent, uninvasive, data-collection tool.
Length: 2 hours
Date: Thursday, 7th July @ 12:00

Anna Zaretskaya joined TransPerfect in 2016 after finishing her PhD in translation technologies and user needs. She has a background in general linguistics; (undergraduate studies) and computational linguistics (MS). Her role at TransPerfect consists in designing and implementing the best suitable MT solutions for TransPerfect clients while bringing together all the parties involved: from freelance translators to AI developers.
Anna Zaretskaya
Machine Translation Post-editing for Media and Subtitles
Machine translation post-editing has been around for a while now, it is now an established part of university curriculums on translation studies. As technology evolves, the meaning of the word “post-editing” is changing too. What does it mean to post-edit today, in the context of all the tools available for translators? How will our way of working change in 5, 10 years? Will post-editing be just the default way of translating? In this tutorial on post-editing we will discuss the topics above, as well as make an overview of different MT-related tools currently available for translators. It will include a practical exercise where participants will see different approaches to post-editing based on the final goal, post-editing type and desired translation quality.
Length: 2 hours
Date: Thursday, 7th July @ 15:00