Keynote speakers
Helena Moniz
Helena Moniz is the President of the European Association for Machine Translation (2021-) and the President of the International Association for Machine Translation (2023-). She is lecturer at the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Lisbon, where she teaches Computational Linguistics, Computer Assisted Translation, and Machine Translation Systems and Post-editing. Helena graduated in Modern Languages and Literature at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon (FLUL), in 1998. She took a Teacher Training graduation course in 2000, a Master’s degree in Linguistics in 2007, and a PhD in Linguistics at FLUL in cooperation with the Technical University of Lisbon (IST) in 2013. She has been working at INESC-ID/CLUL since 2000, in several national and international projects involving multidisciplinary teams of linguists and speech processing engineers. Within these fruitful collaborations, she participated in 19 national and international projects. Since 2015, she is also the PI of a bilateral project with INESC-ID/Unbabel, a translation company combining AI + post-editing, working on scalable Linguistic Quality Assurance processes for crowdsourcing. She was responsible for the creation of the Linguistic Quality Assurance processes developed at Unbabel for Linguistic Annotation and Editors’ Evaluation. Now she is working mostly on research projects involving Linguistics, Translation, and AI. She is the Chair of the Ethics Committee for the Centre for Responsible AI, within the Recovery and Resilience Plan. In a sentence, she is passionate about Language Technologies and Responsible AI!
Carla Parra Escartín
Dr. Carla Parra Escartín works as a research manager in RWS Language Weaver. She leads a team of AI researchers in charge of researching, updating and bringing to production various Language Weaver products. Prior to that she worked as Director of Linguistic Services at the Portuguese start-up Unbabel, where she led a team of computational linguists in charge of establishing and carrying out various quality testing and assurance workflows. She holds MAs in English Philology, Translation and Linguistics and obtained her PhD in Computational Linguistics in 2015 from the University of Bergen in Norway. Before transitioning to Industry she worked for over ten years in Academia with placements in various countries in Europe. Over her research career she was granted 3 Marie Curie-Sklodowska fellowships and she has published multiple research papers at renowned conferences and journals. Her most recent contribution is a book on Responsible Machine Translation, co-edited with Dr. Helena Moniz. Her research focus was always at the cross path between machine translation and end-users of it: both professional translators working in post-editing workflows, and users of Machine Translation as an end product.